As part of National Reconciliation Week (NRW) earlier this month, Sims Limited announced the launch of its second Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
Since the launch of our first RAP in 2021, we have demonstrated our commitment to Reconciliation by taking more than 120 leaders complete training, we joined Supply Nation, and, in FY22, we spent more than $1.2 million dollars with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned businesses. The two-year Innovate RAP extends the ambition and commitments shared by Sims Metal and all Sims Limited businesses in Australia.
The theme of NRW this year is “Be a voice for generations”. The theme provided Sims Metal an opportunity to enable staff to learn more about the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.
As part of #NRW2023, Sims Metal hosted a number of events across Australia including morning teas and toolbox talks for leaders and employees. As part of the events, our employees had the opportunity to learn more about the proposed Voice to Parliament, the broader concept of reconciliation, and the commitments we have made as part of the Innovate RAP.

To read about Sims Limited Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan, visit simsltd.com/DEI.
* This artwork illustrates the four Yindjibarndi Galharra skin systems and the interconnectedness between all people, plants and animals, in accordance with Yindjibarndi creation and law. The skin systems determine how people relate to each other and their social, ceremonial and landrelated roles, rights, responsibilities and obligations. All things in the world have Galharra – plants and animals, the stars, sun, wind and rain, all sacred sites and permanent pools belong to one of the four Galharra groups and are therefore in relationship to people in the same way as parent, Uncle, Aunty, sister or brother.